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Coflux supports sharing assets between tasks. An asset can be a file or a directory.


Each task is started in a dedicated temporary directory. Assets must be persisted from, and restored to, this execution directory.

Persisting assets

'Persist' an assets by passing a path (either a pathlib.Path, or a string) to coflux.persist_asset(...). This function returns a coflux.Asset, which can then be shared between tasks (i.e., as an argument or a result).

import coflux as cf
from pathlib import Path

def my_task():
path = Path.cwd().joinpath("foo.txt")
asset = cf.persist_asset(path)
return asset

Restoring assets

An asset persisted by one task can be 'restored' by another, using coflux.restore_asset(...). This returns the path where the asset has been restored:

def my_workflow():
asset = my_task()
path = cf.restore_asset(asset)

By default an asset is restored to the same path that it was persisted from. To change this, the to argument can be specified (as a pathlib.Path, or string):

cf.restore_asset(asset, to="other/dir")


Directories can be persisted/restored likewise.

The whole execution directory can be persisted by calling persist_asset without specifying a path:

def persist_all():
dir = Path.cwd().joinpath("bees")
return cf.persist_asset()

When persisting directories, a match option can be passed to filter paths:

cf.persist_asset(dir, match="*.txt")